Advantages and disadvantages of chatting on the internet

Chatting via the internet has become the new ‘normal’ – as opposed to ‘calling’. A quick message is preferred over long phone conversations when a very precise message needs to be delivered. Well, calling and talking on the phone for hours together, has not yet lost its charm, but messaging apps have introduced a new kind of zing that keeps both – the young and the old glued to their smartphones – chatting away – happily!

Advantages and disadvantages of chatting

Chatting on the internet however, has its own advantages and disadvantages:


Making long distance phone calls regularly could drain your pockets. Chatting over the internet is practically free and does not burden you financially. Well, many of the chatting apps also have an internet calling facility. This means that you can talk and have a video call too – very affordably!


While you are chatting with your friends or family, you can perform a number of other tasks too. You can reply to emails for instance, or finish typing a document or talk to someone in the room. If you do not have too much time for calling, it’s one of the best options. Well, the disadvantage about this kind of multitasking is that your attention is divided among several things. So, for exclusive, crucial conversations where attention is expected, phone calls are still the preferred medium.

Might get in the way of time management

Chatting on the internet is – let’s face it time consuming. So, especially if you are too caught up in the conversation, you might lose track of time. You can end up talking for longer than you wanted to and other tasks get negatively impacted.

Understand the communication barriers

Hearing the ‘tone’ of voice is difficult on a chat app. There is a possibility of misinterpretation in some cases. Moreover, your voice cannot be heard, face cannot be seen and meaning could be twisted as per the mindset of the person on the other end of the chat. Carefully wording your sentences is the only way out!

Think about the dangers

Over the internet, you really never know who is on the other end – especially if you are talking to someone you do not already know. There is no way of verifying the identity of the person and you have to take his word for it. Chat apps could be misused in many ways – so it’s always a good idea to be judicious about the way you use them – especially if you do not personally know the person on the other end.

Chat apps have brought the world closer – even closer than what social media or even the internet could do! They are quick, easy to use and provide users with a great way to stay connected with their near and dear ones!

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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Top 10 Tips to Earn More Money With Your App [INFOGRAPHIC]

We live in an age where digitization and mobilization is the way of life. Ever since 2014, the mobile usage has been surpassing the usage of PCs or any other electronic device for that matter. Smartphones have become a single point of access to the internet and mobile apps account for 89% of the time spent on the mobile.Here are Top 10 marketing tips that can help you earn more money from your mobile app.

Top 10 Tips to Earn More Money With Your App

Courtesy of: Elite InfoWorld

How social chatting apps have changed our lives!

Whenever there is a new chatting app, we are always eager to try it out. Let’s face it. These apps do have really interesting features and are the latest and most convenient way of staying in touch with your world constantly. In addition, these free chatting apps for Android are a great way to find and connect to new friends, friends who share your interests and understanding.

How social chatting apps have changed our lives!

Social media and chatting apps have changed the way the world interacts. It is now more natural to interact virtually than to meet and converse face to face. One great advantage of this change is that distance and time no longer act as impediments to keeping in touch. One–on-one messaging of chatting apps has overshadowed the older methods of social media interaction. They have also prompted marketers to use this new medium in business just as it is used in personal space.

It’s pretty simple to download these chatting apps for free and once installed you are ready to go out and meet the world. Unlike other apps that we download and often forget after the initial use, we use chatting apps constantly and regularly. The one great advantage of these chatting apps over other social media interaction is definitely the privacy you enjoy.

Chatting apps are not restricted to keeping relationships alive. These apps are also a means of connecting to new people, and getting to know about new and interesting places. You have apps that act as guides in unknown destinations. These tell you about activities of people around you; and they give you details of places you will enjoy visiting. They also rate these places helping you to select the best for you.

Chatting apps are good for more than just texting: you can use them for sending video messages and audio messages too. These features make your interaction more interesting and also more vibrant and life like. And you get to do all this in real time. No need to wait for an opportune moment to get in touch. Every incident, each experience goes out to your contacts as each happens. That’s a great way to keep those who are far close to you. It makes your contacts a part of your experiences. It is an opportunity to get suggestions and comments from them.

Free chatting apps for Android have impacted your life and the lives of all those around you. Your devices stay in your hands day and night and you are attached to these devices for work, pleasure and personal interaction with friends and family. Society and social interaction depend on chatting apps as do professional interactions. These apps open up new avenues for personalized contact; contact that gives direct and immediate access business success. Chatting apps act as your promotional campaigns and establish a direct connection between you as marketer and your end users.

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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How modern day communication has become more dependent on messaging apps?

Modern day communication has become mobile dependent rather than computer dependent. Mobile messaging apps have been launched regularly and have grown in popularity. These apps not only provide a platform for verbal communication but have added features that make them interesting and interactive. ChatsIn is one such app. It combines the convenience of keeping in touch with friends and loved ones with the excitement of connecting with new people, getting to know the happening places in an unknown location, and checking on preferences of all users.

How modern day communication has become more dependent on messaging apps

Let’s explore how it is good and what the drawbacks are:

How is it a good thing?

Chatting apps are a seamless way to keep conversations rolling at all times and in all conditions. Each experience is shared instantly using these apps so that your connections can be with you even without being physically present.

Typing messages on chatting apps requires little effort. Lengthy words are easily replaced with smileys, stickers and voice messages effectively carrying not just thoughts but emotions as well. The experience sharing becomes more real.

An added advantage is that of sending photographs and videos as chats. This feature gets all on board in actually understanding and enjoying experiences.

The conversations on messaging apps can be mailed, saved and read at later. The experience is caught and stored for you to enjoy again and again.

The most exciting aspect of messaging apps is that you can form groups to interact. What a unique way to carry on many sided conversations from different locations. Creating various groups helps you to interact with people of similar interests without the constraint of intruding on disinterested people.

The advantages of messaging apps have been taken up by businesses to reach out to customers and teams to sell or report or get new orders.

What are the drawbacks?

One serious drawback of messaging apps is the effect they have on writing skills. They are used so extensively, that traditional writing skills are forgotten and overshadowed leading to inadequate skills of expression.

Messaging apps are addictive. Once you start using them you are hooked on to them for a major part of your time. This can obstruct productivity and lead to your attention being fixed more on sharing an experience than enjoying it to the fullest.

Messaging apps are becoming more important than face to face relationship building. The overuse of these apps is an impediment for devoting time to in-depth conversation and empathy building.

With the number of chatting apps available in the market, users are ready to download multiple apps on their phones. They use these apps constantly, sending and checking messages all the time. This is a waste of time and energy.

Downloading too many apps eats up storage space on mobile phones effectively slowing down its functions and leading to quick battery drainage.

ChatsIn and other messaging apps have changed the way the world communicates both personally and professionally. Use them, enjoy them but also use your discretion to avoid over dependence on them.

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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Social Chatting Apps: how to use them prudently

So, you love to chat, to make new friends, to socialise and you download apps to help you to do that. Using apps to chat has become a way of life for you. With the help of these apps on your devices you are never alone; you can share every moment of your day and life with family and friends. If this description fits you then the ChatsIn app will interest you. It is an app to connect you with people you have not met and those whom you wish to stay in touch with.

Social Chatting Apps
Social Chatting Apps

Ever been to a new place and felt the need to be with friends? Well, the ChatsIn app is here to help you out. Download the app from Google Play store and enjoy its many advantages.

The app takes your current location and displays all the interesting places around you. Use the list the app displays as your guide map in an unknown location. Decide on the ones that you want to visit and learn more to make a final decision.

The app provides you with reviews and ratings from people who have been to these places. Use their experience and comments to decide whether you would like the place. There is no need to walk in and be disappointed with what you find. You feel confident about your choice and just walk in to enjoy the facilities offered. Simply do a Check In to get this information.

The app makes more information available to you. Go to Daily Reports to see how many have done Checkins in the last 24 hours. That tells you how popular the place is. And you can send these people connection requests and messages too to discuss their reviews and know more about their experiences. So it’s not just what you word of mouth but a chance to get a first- hand account from a user.

The message is still indirect interaction for some of you. When you want to start a direct chat send a nudge to your new friend. Once your friend accepts your nudge you are free to start chatting.

The app has the recent stops option. Use it to find out the latest checkins of other users. You get an idea of where the crowd gathers. Drop in and make friends, connect and send messages or nudge them to start a chat and set up a date.

The connections you make are added to your connection list. Refer to this list to begin chatting with them.

The app has a gallery that stores all images you and other users upload. That gives you the option to socialise through your images. Track people on the map and connect with them. Your list of friends will soon become very long.

Download the ChatsIn mobile app and change your life style. Display a new you to the world, grow your circle, network with people, and live a full life on the go.

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A Regular Chatter? Try ChatsIn

ChatsIn mobile app is a free chatting app for chat lovers. Connect with people nearby, make new friends, chat up interesting people, and keep in constant touch using this app.

A Regular Chatter

The app has many interesting features. It displays your location and provides a list of places near you.  You can check for people who have visited these places and then decide on the ones you would like to interact with. Send friend requests to these people through the app and once this request is accepted you can visit each other’s profiles. To start chatting you need to send a nudge to your new friend.

The app has a daily report feature that permits you to see the daily activities of all users. You can also send them requests and messages based on their activities. The recent stop feature of the app tells you about all recent CheckIns of users. This is useful as it tells you about the users who frequently stay online. Based on these inputs you can make new friends or chat with existing ones. Besides, you can even start dating some of new users. Make connection and grow your circle of friends rapidly. You also have connection lists and can use them to make new connections from the connection menu. Users have the opportunity to upload photographs too. These are available for viewing. In this way you track people through maps and chat with them too.

In order to use the app you need to first create your account by choosing a user name and password.  The app gives you the alternate facility of using your existent Face Book account to sign in. when you choose to use your existing account you save yourself the trouble of remembering a new set of username and password.

After signing up, just log in to your account and check in to see where you can go and what people you can meet there. Get to know the place through the users who have already been there. The recent stops feature helps you to gauge the popularity of a place and also to get to know the type of people likely to frequent that place. Based on your interests and inclinations, you then visit these places yourself.

When you find users you would like to connect with remember to send them not just a request but a nudge also. Once both your request and nudge have been accepted you begin to send chat messages. So your privacy can never be invaded and you get total control of the connections you accept and open up to.

By uploading images you make your profile more attractive and help other users to understand your interests. Sending requests, making friends, sending and accepting nudges becomes simpler once you see these images. The ChatsIn app encourages you to explore new places and connect with new people safely and securely. Try it and find a world of connections.

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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Social Chatting Apps: Best Way to Stay Connected

Technology has permanently changed the way we communicate, interact and socialize. Everyone has a common playing field as far as communicating and chatting are concerned. Even the introvert can safely handle sharing thoughts and feelings, all thanks to the new age chat apps. The Chats In app is one such social chat app that connects one to another at all times and everywhere.

Social Chatting Apps

In the past, in fact a mere few years back, instant communication was limited to picking up the phone or mobile to call, or sending an SMS, or writing mails. Once connected, the phone call was perhaps the best way to converse freely. However, at times talking on the phone was difficult. While travelling connectivity could be poor, there could be signal problem that resulted in disturbances and call drops, and most importantly, the person called could fail to respond. The other two alternatives hardly gave scope for chatting as such.

Social chat apps came in to draw the world closer. They help in catching up with lost friends, are an excellent means of exchanging ideas, thoughts and feelings, arguing and discussing on topics of interest, and bringing like-minded people closer too. This is an anywhere anytime application that not only carries messages to recipients but also tells the sender when that message is read. In addition, you can send audio and video files using chat apps.

Using social chat apps is simple. These apps can be downloaded on smartphones. Once you create an account you are all set to start sending instant messages. Invite people to connect with you, create groups, share your life and have fun. You can keep chatting wherever you are as these apps are not location specific. Some time back, the need for internet connectivity was major drawback to using chat apps freely. Today’s world of Wi-Fi hotspots has erased that problem.

Chats apps are now used frequently for different purposes: touching base with family, keeping in touch with friends, getting and sending information immediately, interacting in real time without the barrier of physical distance, geographical location, or time zone differences. They have become so popular socially that business has started looking at this medium to connect with clients and customers. Promotional activity, intimation regarding upcoming events, reminders, and feedback, there is a plethora of ways that help businesses keep in touch through chats apps. The option of creating groups for group chat is one more advantage of these apps, this option recreates an environment of socializing with friends without the hassle of travel or time out from work.

The number of social chats apps available to users is increasing day by day. The end user is now spoilt for choice and as these chats apps add new and innovative features they draw users by the thousands. The chatting bug has caught the imagination of young and old alike. Chats In is one such great app that can fill your life with fun, laughter, and chatting.

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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How chatting apps are taking over all kinds of communication

Chat apps have revolutionized communication globally. Instant access, user friendly  features, continuous upgrade and ever increasing number of apps on offer have pampered the new age consumer  outperforming all other methods of communication developed and the trend is set to continue


Changing face of social media
The initial social media boom brought an upsurge in user interest in networking sites. Social and interactional activity went public. Thoughts, feelings, information, and whereabouts – all came into the domain of news feeds, posts, and timeline updates. Social media became the platform for discussions, arguments, promotion, and awareness creation and changed the way we communicate across and beyond borders. This dominant form of communicating and doing business was challenged and changed with  chat apps introducing one-to-one messaging and intra group messaging, including use of audio and video messages,  turned into the new age mantra. Social networking sites joined the bandwagon to offer you chat and messenger apps.

Communicating on the go  
Communication, like the fixed like telephone, has gone mobile. Individuals as well as businesses use chat apps to connect with personalized messages. They create a secure and comfortable communication environment that works individually for all their communication needs. That this is done in real time and on the go is an added bonus. Smartphones are replacing most hand -held devices today adding to your desire to communicate as you go about work or socializing and chat apps come in handy for you. Users spend maximum time on using chat apps as they are always kept on. The only concern remains good mobile broadband coverage for phones, especially so when users are outdoors. With open and universal Wi-Fi coverage becoming available across the globe, using chat apps is simplified.

Cultural compatibility
Each of you has your preference for the way you use your chat app. These chat apps provide twin facilities: messaging and voice calling. Different cultures react differently to these features. Whichever group you belong to, the answer to your communication needs remains the same: chat apps. Use it to make voice calls; use it to text; use it to send and receive visual and audio messages. The choice is yours.


Connecting was never easier
Your chat apps have brought your world within your grasp. Connecting with your circles beyond limits of time and space has become your way of life. The desire and urge to communicate can be satisfied as and when it arises, and you can be confident of reaching the person you want to communicate with. Your chat app can connect you with your world.

Traditional modes of communication are going out of vogue fast. Inclination to use chat apps  rises with ease of use and popularity among friends and peers. With new apps with more innovative features arriving on the scene regularly, you have your options open. Chat apps have evolved to make communication constant, seamless, and more and more appealing, leaving all other communication routes far behind.

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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Everyone loves social chatting apps! Here’s why..

It’s a very common occurrence these days. You pick up your mobile phone and you are instantly connected to a world where you can chat with friends, family, make new friends or join a discussion in a group. Whether you are a social person or not, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, a chatting app always finds a special place in your lives. It helps you stay connected with your loved ones without any limitations of time and location.


So, why are millions and millions of people drawn to social chatting apps? Here’s a list of reasons:

It’s fun
That’s right – it’s just pure fun! Well, after a long day at work, it’s really good to settle down with your mobile phone, open a chatting app and talk to your loved ones instantly. This ensures that you stay connected and it relaxes your mind too. Other than that, if you seek new friends, these apps have enough features to help you make new friends and join discussions where, like- minded people share ideas.

It’s free
The good part of chatting apps is that most of them are free. At least the basic features that these apps provide are always free. You do not need to check your pockets before you get online and talk to your loved ones. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, you can chat away as much as you like!


 It’s Quick
Sometimes, chat messages are quicker than a phone call. That’s true. A person may hesitate picking a call while in a busy schedule, but quickly reading a message is easier. The point is – your message is delivered to the recipient quickly!

It’s easy
It’s easy – really. There are no complicated features and no complicated rules to follow. Simply click on the icon and you shall be connected to the friends on your list to talk, chat and message for hours together!

Well, chatting apps are getting popular and millions and millions of people are drawn towards them for pure entertainment and the feel good factor of being constantly connected to your loved ones!

Chats In is one such instant messaging app which you can download and use on your Androids from Google Playstore.

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